Maharashtra RERA limits SRO appointee tenure to two years, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

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The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has decided to fix the tenure of appointees in various Self-Regulatory Organisations (SROs) assisting the regulator with housing project registration to a maximum of two years to avoid any conflict of interest that may arise.

In a communication to the SROs, MahaRERA has directed to replace those representatives who have completed two years, with immediate effect.

In addition, MahaRERA has also decided that the appointees should be individually subject matter specialists in legal, financial and technical matters, which is needed during the housing project’s registration process.

“The real estate projects are subjected to strict legal, financial, and technical scrutiny while issuing a registration number by MahaRERA. This is possible only when the representatives of the SROs are experts in each of these domains and would be able to help their respective members. Therefore, the representatives being subject matter experts is a must. We have also set the tenure of the representatives to a maximum of two years,” said Manoj Saunik, chairman, MahaRERA.

Presently, there are seven SROs recognised by MahaRERA including NAREDCO West Foundation, CREDAI-MCHI, CREDAI Maharashtra, Builders Association of India, Marathi Bandhkam Vyavsayik Association, Brihanmumbai Developer Association and CREDAI-Pune.

Every housing project needs to be registered with MahaRERA and obtain a registration number, as per the terms and conditions laid down in the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016. Developers of all housing projects are not permitted to advertise, promote and sell unless they have a MahaRERA registration number.

Having knowledge of legal, financial, and technical aspects play an important role in determining the future of any housing project. Prior to issuing a registration number, MahaRERA scrutinises each proposal on these three criteria.

Representatives of SROs appointed at MahaRERA officially help their respective member promoters in the registration process. Observations and remarks made during the scrutiny are shared with these representatives who in turn assist the member promoters to get them fulfilled.

Therefore, to seamlessly assist the member promoters, SROs need to appoint representatives having domain expertise in at least one of the legal, economic, and technical streams.

MahaRERA provides only one seat from each of the SROs. Hence, it should be ensured that their representatives are present on a rotational basis and as per requirement of their members.

  • Published On Jan 13, 2025 at 06:30 PM IST

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